Precautions for Parents & Childcare Providers

Tips and Tricks to Keep Children Safe Amidst the Coronavirus

No matter where we go, it seems we can't catch a break. The coronavirus is spreading and we’re all concerned more than ever for children’s safety and our own. Here at Peace of Mind Nannies, we want to ensure that you carry the right precautions with you to stop this pandemic, get your children back outside where they belong and bring you some peace of mind for your weeks ahead. .

Coronavirus can spread through being in close proximity to an infected person, inhaling airborne droplets generated when they cough or sneeze, or touching a surface where these droplets land (they can survive on hard surfaces for up to 72 hours and softer surfaces like cardboard for 24 hours) and then touching one’s face and or nose. You've probably heard this many times, but it's a factor that can make or break this pandemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we should be washing our hands carefully multiple times per day with warm water for at least 20 seconds; coughing and sneezing into your elbow or a tissue; avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes; and if you are sick, stay home! The most important thing for kids to understand is the importance of washing hands! Show them how to wash their hands well. Make it fun by singing the “happy birthday” song twice (one for them and one for you). Kids, and you, need to wash hands 1. when coming from outside 2. before eating, and 3. after sneezing or coughing. Only if soap and water are not available, clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. It’s a good idea to keep everyone’s fingernails short so the virus doesn’t have an opportunity to settle.

Although kids don't seem to be getting as sick, it's still important for parents to be safe and educate their children of the possible symptoms . This is important because if they don't recognize the signs they could unnoticeably be spreading the disease. If they know what the flu looks like, describe those symptoms or mention that they may have a fever of at least 100.4 degrees (most common symptom), have a hard time breathing or have a cold. Adults, these symptoms will most closely be pneumonia-like in the lower respiratory area. You may have a dry cough, fever, fatigue (similar to the flu) and shortness of breath. Just because children may not be getting as sick, it’s important to remember that they still could very well be carrying the virus. “Happy birthday to you..” is the best way to go. 

For the weeks ahead, social distancing is key. Limit social contacts to just immediate family however, I’m aware that this may be difficult long-term for your mental health and honestly, unrealistic given your lifestyle. Remember the key is social distancing not social isolation. If you need to go to an appointment or get food/medicine, it’s ok. Run errands as it’s necessary. There have been many resources that have been shared in the past few days of activities that can be done with children at home. Enjoy some of these resources and ideas you can do with children below:

  • Going outside is ok! Enjoy the wonderful spring weather we’ve been getting and check out these walking trails in RI

  • Cook or bake together

  • Have a family game night

  • Hey, since everyone will be home more, have your kids help you with a new chore like cleaning the refrigerator, washing dishes, cleaning surfaces (remember that 72 hours?) or folding laundry. Kids like being “big kids” so teach them a new skill and make them feel helpful and appreciated

  • is a fun creative story prompt in various genres

  • Enjoy local storytelling with Valerie Tutson live on Facebook at 11:30 am EST. Tutson is the creative director of Rhode Island Black Storytellers

  • has a library of entertainment (movies, tv show and books) and technology recommendations (games and apps)

  •* is coding for kids! Kids can create simple apps or even control robots

  •* is a great way for children to get help with what they’re learning in school or to learn something completely new. Create a parent account and then create an account for your child

  •* gets kids moving to fun, engaging content and games like a yoga session, dance party or mindfulness activity

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga is a youtube channel that includes fun yoga videos for kids 3+

Lastly, a quick note for anyone with teenagers, online spaces are their spaces. Sure, minimizing that time is understandable but also respect those spaces and use this time to learn about their online worlds. What apps do they use? What does it do? Maybe you’ll end up finding your new online craze and start making Tik Tok videos with them.

I know it’s a lot.

Take a deep breath.

We’re going to get through this together.

If you suspect you or someone you love may be sick with coronavirus, call your doctor. If you have general questions about COVID-19, call RI Department of Health at 401-222-8022. Also, the RI Department of Labor and Training can assist you with questions you may have about Unemployment Insurance, Paid Sick and Safe Leave or other programs and resources available at 401-462-2020 or

*The following recommendations also have app versions available through App Store and/or Google Play, etc. Khan Academy for children is available through “Khan Academy Kids”